The Indictment Engine™

The AmericaAgain! Indictment Engine™ is actually a combination of a mobile app, AmericaAgain! staff work, and peaceful, perpetual citizen action to superintend servants via tactical force-massing.

As will be explained in the upcoming TACTICAL CIVICS™ Book Three, Engine of Change, the law enforcement aspect of this new way of life features each county Grand Jury and Militia working in tandem to bring a bent legislator under felony indictment in State criminal court on felony charges under the politician’s State laws that coincide with the omission, commission, support for, or acquiescence in violating our highest law. Any co-sponsor of proposed legislation violating the Constitution and the actor’s State Penal Code falls under the legal principle qui tacet consentit (or, ‘silence implies consent’) means that by co-sponsoring such legislation, the actor is an accessory to a crime in the ‘planning’ stage; the proposed legislation is filed but not yet enacted.

In general terms, we can say that the Engine’s output will be equivalent to a felony  presentment to the applicable Grand Jury of each political actor co-sponsoring the proposed legislation. Given the sensitive nature of this key proprietary aspect of our mission, we cannot offer further details about how the Indictment Engine™ will operate. These are the initial development year’s staff requirements, but we do not expect this project to begin until at least Year Two of mission funding, and given the rapid development in every aspect of Artificial Intelligence, this can only be beneficial at this writing.

Data Scientist (Linguistic A.I.)$250,000
Legal Subject Matter Expert$250,000
Technical Architect- coordinate team/vendor coordinator$200,000
Cloud Architect & Security Manager$200,000
User Interface Developer / Analyst$200,000
Network Engineer$200,000
Database Engineer$150,000
Workflow Developer / Analyst$75,000
Back Office Developer / Analyst$75,000
Agile Project Manager$75,000
QA Testing Person$75,000
Technical Writer$75,000
Cost of cloud / software subscriptions$75,000
Year 1 Total Operations$1,900,000

Year One Funding Required:  $1,900,000